Saturday, September 18, 2010

A question to think about!

Okay so maybe you have/haven't put much thought into this or even noticed?
Why do we walk, drive, or ride one way, but then take a different route back?


  1. I have a car & drive to uni/etc .. but rather bus it to work in woden or hitch a ride cos parking is $18 + for staying 4+ hours in any carparks :( Sooo I save $16 .. cos only $2 for 20min ride from my house to work .

    Better for environment and my bank (=

  2. In my case it's usually because i get lost and accidentally go a different way or else it's because i think i know how 2 get 2 someones house better than they do despite never having been there before so i don't turn off at say a miners light, i then get there (eventually) and they tell me im an idiot so i go their way on the return journey

  3. it gets very boring driving the same way all the time - helps to relieve the boredom.Also depends on the time of day and the traffic.Some routes are better at certain times of the day. believe me i think about it a lot. How can I get from ato B in the quickest time with the least traffic stress and road rage

  4. Good Point Kim.
    You have some really great ideas and points I think you should do planning!
